Physical Education
We are very passionate about P.E. and school sport at Plumcroft and believe it to be an integral part of the school curriculum. We aim to ensure that every child has access to the full P.E. curriculum which encompasses the development of physical skills, knowledge and understanding in:
- Games
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Athletics
- Outdoor Adventurous Activities
- Swimming
- Health Related Exercise/Fitness
It is important to us as a school that children understand the importance of leading an active and healthy lifestyle. We strive to provide as many different experiences as we can and encourage regular daily exercise through the Daily Mile. Children understand that being physically active not only helps you to learn more but simply makes you feel good.
We also aim to ensure pupils have the opportunity to engage in competition against themselves and others.
With excellent resources and facilities, the children at Plumcroft are able to experience numerous trips, tournaments and after school clubs/activities throughout the year. We enter the Borough tournaments each year which include; Netball, Football, Basketball, Athletics, Tag Rugby and Cricket.
We offer a vast range of clubs/out of learning experiences which provide children with opportunities to try new sports, train and practice as part of a team and make choices about their own daily/weekly activity levels.
We have also entered a vast number of competitions across the Borough over the years, which has helped to build a positive, healthy ethos around the school. It has also noticeably improved behaviour and attitude around the school as the children strive to be selected to represent the school in a range of different sports. This is something we also plan to maintain and to develop this year with the help of the Sports Premium funding.