Our Curriculum
At Plumcroft we are proud of our broad and balanced curriculum that allows our pupils to explore their strengths and constantly develop aspects they find more challenging.
Alongside our strong maths and literacy planning - including an excellent across the school reading programme, we use a topic-based approach to other curriculum subjects (See Curriculum Map below).
High quality children’s books often take a leading role within a topic which may focus on history, geography or science. The arts, outdoor learning and a wide range of trips, workshops and expert visitors add to the depth, enjoyment and enrichment of each topic.
Physical education is a strength at Plumcroft, with specialist PE teachers and an extensive range of after school sports clubs to supplement outstanding PE lessons.
Plumcroft is known for the quality of music tuition; with class music making, Year 4 first access to instrumental lessons, individual/group instrumental lessons, school choirs and school band. Children take part in a range of music performances and a wide range of professional musicians are invited to perform for the children throughout the year.
Please follow the links below to discover the specific topics covered by each year group in all curriculum areas. For more detail, please see our 'Learning for the Term' newsletters or make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher.