Primary School
Plumcroft is dedicated to providing an inclusive environment that enables all pupils to learn and thrive. We are committed to meeting need at the point of need. This means we strive to ensure all learning needs are identified quickly and that appropriate support is given to ensure these needs are met.
What is SEN?
A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age…’ (DfE, Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, page 94).
Our goals are to ensure that all pupils with SEND:
- Have opportunities to be successful and fulfill their potential
- Develop their confidence and independence
- Access a range of enrichment opportunities
More information about local services for pupils with SEND can be found on the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Local Offer website.
SEND processes at Plumcroft.
We are committed to the vital early identification of need. All children in Nursery & Reception will be screened by a private Educational Psychologist (EP) to determine if there are any emerging needs that need further investigation. Additionally, all pupils in Year 2 are screened for possible dyslexia. If there is a clear concern then the class teacher and Phase SENDCO will ensure that the parents are kept informed of any concerns and are fully involved at every stage of the process to identify, investigate and then plan the learning journey for that child. External expertise will be sought in a timely manner so that we get to a point of specificity of need and action as quickly as possible. We can then all help ensure good or better progress in learning for every child from their starting point.
Every child at Plumcroft on the SEND register has an individual learning plan tailored specifically to their need in collaboration with any professionals necessary. This is updated throughout the year and is shared with parents.
Quality-first teaching is embedded in every class and staff receive regular, high-quality professional development to maintain this. For those children that need additional targeted support, we have a wide range of interventions delivered by staff throughout the school (see provision map below). For our pupils with complex needs, there are also internal provisions at both sites with a high level of adult support and personalised curriculums.
Our pupils with SEND have their plans regularly reviewed and updated.

Universal (for every pupil)
Quality first teaching Whole school values RWInc Phonics Jigsaw PSHE‘Word Aware’ approach to language development Behaviour Policy Visual supports and timetables Reward systems/incentives Maths MasteryTalk for Writing Zones of Regulation Renaissance Learning MyON Purple Mash Mathletics Whizz Maths Reflective Learning |
Targeted (for pupils with SEND)
Sensory Room Bubble handwriting Start Write Stay Right Word up Toe-by-toe Word Wasp Talk boost RWInc 1:1 Speech and Language Support/Interventions |
Specialist (for pupils with more complex SEND)
Speech and Language Therapy EHCPs Intensive Interaction Attention Autism Educational Psychology Service (EP) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Behaviour Support Plan ASD Outreach STEPS Outreach Support Counselling service |

Working with outside agencies:
We work in partnership with a range of outside agencies that support the children in school. Some of the agencies we work with are CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), STEPS (Support Team for Education in Primary and Secondary School), Oxleas Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service, Integrated Neurodevelopmental Team (INDT) – ASD Service, Educational Psychologists and many more depending on the childs need.
Here are links to some of the different agencies that we work in collaboration with:
Speech and Language Therapy Service –
Educational Psychologist –
What to do if you think your child might have SEND:
- Talk to your child’s class teacher and discuss your concerns
- Arrange a meeting with your child’s SENDCO. Please phone the school office or email
- Come to one of our coffee mornings with the SENDCO. These will be advertised on the school app.