Primary School
Extended Day Care
At Plumcroft Primary School, we are proud to deliver our own Extended Day Care Provision tailored to the needs of our school community. Our various offerings begin from 7:30 and conclude at 18:00. Please see below for more information.

Breakfast Club
Our very popular Breakfast Club has been running for many years and supported many families. The sessions begin at 7:30am until the start of the school day where the children are then escorted to their classes by the staff. Parent/carers can drop their children off at any time after 7:30am however breakfast will not be provided after 8.20am. Breakfast Club bookings are done through our school app and can be made anytime up until 6pm the day before.
Children have the option of toast (with a number of delicious toppings) or cereal with either fruit juice or water. Crumpets and Muffins are also provided at times.
The sessions are run by school staff, thus ensuring that the children have a level of care that is consistent with the school and it’s expectations and values. During this time, staff will supervise homework or reading and set out a range of toys/games which children can imaginatively play with.
The cost of Breakfast Club, as of September 2024, is £6.70 per day, per child. The club is available for children from Reception through to Year 6.
After School Club
Our successful After School Club is held between 3:15pm and 6:00pm during term time.
As with Breakfast Club, the sessions are run by school staff, thus ensuring that the children have a level of care that is consistent with the school and it’s expectations and values. Staff run activities each day which children can choose to take part in, as well as supervising homework, reading, provide an afternoon snack, and setting out a range of toys/games which children can imaginatively play with.
Our desire is for children to have fun but also rest if they need to, and for parents to be reassured that their children are well supervised and enjoying their after school time.
Booking is done through our school app and during their time at After School Club, children are provided with refreshments as well as a light snack/meal.
The cost of After School Club, as of September 2024, is £14.60 per day, per child. The club is available for children from Reception through to Year 6.
Sibling Discounts
Additional siblings are entitled to a 5% disount at the time of booking.
Late Collection & Booking Fees
We will do our best to accommodate late bookings after the 6pm cut off, however please note that this may not be possible. In the event that you make a booking after the 6pm cut off, the school will charge a late booking fee of £3.00 to cover the additional administration and on-costs associated with this.
In the event that your child is collected after the allotted time (6pm for After School Club), a late collection charge will be issued to cover the additional staffing and on-costs associated with this. A late collection fee of £20 will be applied to your child’s account on the Plumcroft app. Safeguarding procedures will be followed if a collection is later than 15minutes.
Please note: If a late booking or collection fee is applicable, parents/carers cannot make use of the wraparound care service until this is paid.
If you wish to cancel an After School Club booking email before 12pm on the day otherwise full payment is still required.