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  • Sports Day 2019

    Published 08/07/19

    Check out KS1 and KS2's sports day videos below!

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  • Year 6 Stop Motion

    Published 05/07/19

    Watch Year 6's Stop start animation projects.

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  • School Allotment – ‘Together We Grow’

    Published 03/07/19

    The allotment develops…

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  • The Big Half

    Published 05/04/19

    A huge thank you to all our runners and those who sponsored them. We raised an amazing total of £2054 and 72 pence!

    This has been passed on to the PHSA and will go towards the brilliant events that Plumcroft puts on across the year. 

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  • Vincent Road Campus - Steinway Grand Piano

    Published 05/04/19

    The Reception children at Vincent Road Campus were excited when the new Steinway Grand Piano arrived. Their wonderful singing filled the hall with music and Miss Shepherd lifted the Piano lid for them to see all the strings inside

    Take a look at the video below:




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  • World Down Syndrome Day

    Published 21/03/19

    Year 2 celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing spotty, bright or mismatched socks. 2C performed a song using sign language. Reception at Vincent Rd are taking part tomorrow!

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  • Anti-Idling Campaign

    Published 11/03/19

    Pupils from Plumcroft Primary School were joined by adult volunteers outside the school gates ready to approach parents who were keeping their engines running while waiting.

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  • Anti-Idling Event at Plumcroft

    Published 08/03/19

    On Tuesday 6th March, Plumcroft held its first Idling Action event.  Idling Action events are supported by the Mayor of London and are taking place in 18 boroughs around London, with the aim of tackling unnecessary engine idling on the streets of the capital.

    The even began with an assembly for the KS2 children, after which staff, children and parent volunteers talked to idling drivers on the surrounding roads and encouraged them to switch off their engines when stationary. 

    We feel that this type of event is important to the health and wellbeing of our school community, as air pollution has a particularly large impact on children's health. We are also mindful of the impact air pollution may have on our local community. 

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  • The Big Half fund raising

    Published 08/03/19

    Weʼre raising £500 to help fund all the great events, equipment, resources and trips that help make Plumcroft an amazing school.

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  • Music for Youth 2019 Performance

    Published 27/02/19

    Plumcroft School Band were lucky to be given a place to perform at the Music for Youth Festival at the Royal Festival Hall at the Southbank Centre. Twenty of us got the train to Charing Cross with our instruments and we performed two songs - Cantaloupe Island and Seven Nation Army - Plumcroft Style. We made up our own rap to go with Seven Nation Army as part of the school poetry project.

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  • Plumcroft's Fantastic Fundraising Achievements

    Published 17/12/18

    The children have recently taken part in some great fundraising activities.

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  • September 2017 - Read our great Ofsted Report

    Published 17/12/18

    ”This school continues to be good.


    The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Leaders and governors know the school well and share a desire for it to make a positive impact on the life of pupils. You and your team have built a strong community that encompasses staff, parents and the wider locality.


    At the heart of the school’s work is your drive to ensure that all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, succeed academically. Governors, leaders and staff share your high aspirations. This drive is matched by leaders’ ambition to widen pupils’ access to enrichment opportunities in music, dance, art and sport. This is done through a broad and balanced curriculum and strengthened by links with local colleges and arts organisations. Leaders plan the curriculum carefully taking into account the needs and interests of the pupils. Pupils are happy to come to school and value the varied opportunities that they get……

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